Pond Mountain Inn
Bed and Breakfast
Wells • Vermont
1955 Saw Mill Hill Road
Wells, Vermont 05774
Over 350 Five Star Reviews ▪ 100% Guest-Focused ▪ 72% Repeat Guests Last Year

President Chester Arthur Historic Site • Fairfield, Vermont
The Twelve Principles of Vermont Wellness
Wellness • Tranquility • Happiness
Wellness isn’t just about physical and mental well-being – it’s the pursuit of a balanced life integrating all twelve principles that lead to a better quality of life and ultimately to sustainable happiness...
We want to help bring more joy and happiness into your life, as we continue to learn and discover those essential elements that provide sustainable happiness. If you’ve never stayed with us before; we want, you to feel good when you arrive and feel great when you leave – that’s our commitment. And we hope that we have provided some thoughtful insight into the things that we are doing for a more meaningful and happy life that we have found here in Vermont and Pond Mountain Inn.
Having fun outside in a natural setting has shown us that joy and happiness is simple. Every walk has its own unexpected joys – see what we stumbled upon...
Pond Mountain Inn provides a contemplative or meditative place for clear-thought that may help contribute a healthy spirit of flexibility and openness...
When’s the last time you heard a Nobel-laureate speak or visited one of the best-preserved presidential sites in the country? See our favorite places for intellectual diversity...
Embrace your happiness, take time to getaway, immerse yourself in things that make you feel good and let your emotional happiness lead the way...
Social connection is the path to happiness, and we’re always seeking new experiences that lead to new friendships, joyful memories and, sustainable happiness...
80% of what we serve in-season at Pond Mountain Inn is locally grown within five square miles of the property and much of that is organic…
All the ingredients for a great night’s sleep are comfortably tucked away at Pond Mountain Inn.
Let a symphony of spring peepers sing you to sleep...
Vermont provides the essential restorative benefits of rest and recovery that help lead to a harmonizing
lifestyle balance that’s intrinsically satisfying…
Challenge Your Mind, Exercise and Play, its simplicity is profound. Don’t underestimate the need to play, nor consider playing a waste of time—to the contrary...
Inspired to a live a lifestyle respectful of our surroundings, this encourages us to live harmoniously with nature by preserving our environment for future generations...
Beginning the day outside each morning for ten minutes bending, stretching, and twisting while practicing deep breathing is one of the best ways to lower stress...
Experience the unfamiliar and exhilaration of reeling in big fish while simultaneously enjoying the peace and tranquility of simply being out on the water...