Pond Mountain Inn
Bed and Breakfast
Wells • Vermont
1955 Saw Mill Hill Road
Wells, Vermont 05774
Over 350 Five Star Reviews ▪ 100% Guest-Focused ▪ 72% Repeat Guests Last Year
Photo Courtesy of Hildene
Our Inspiring Day Trips & Unique Itineraries
Our guests are always looking for new opportunities to explore Vermont and beyond. Our unique itineraries take all the guesswork out of planning each day that offer extraordinary experiences.
Don't Just Read the Story, Become the Story!
(This is a Fun Read)
One of our frequent guests once remarked, “The drive is as exciting as the destination itself.
It’s amazing what you stumble upon along the way!”
Dorset / Manchester • Day Trip Itinerary
The Dorset/Manchester day trip offers historical landmarks, orchards, covered bridges, hiking, idyllic scenery and don't miss lunch on the “Dorset Green!”
Woodstock / Quechee • Day Trip Itinerary
Your day trip to Woodstock and Quechee is rich in artisan heritage, historic charm, covered bridges, and one of America's Most Romantic Restaurants, Simon Pearce.
Fort Ticonderoga / Middlebury • Day Trip Itinerary
The Town of Ticonderoga is a destination rich in 18th century history, and has more than one hundred exciting and unique events and programs each year!
Saratoga Springs, New York • Day Trip Itinerary
Less than an hour from Pond Mountain Inn, this historical city is full of fascinating and eclectic shops, food tours, historic race track and the many cultural activities!
Vergennes/Shelburne/Burlington • Day Trip Itinerary
Vergennes, Vermont’s oldest and smallest city is centrally located between Lake Champlain, the Green Mountains, and the City of Burlington. Visit the local shops before heading to the Maritime Museum.
Peru / Weston • Day Trip Itinerary
Enjoy scenic routes, antiques, theatre, and home to the original Vermont Country Store in Weston. Be sure to have lunch at historic Bryant House next door!
Lake George, New York • Day Trip Itinerary
Experience the Southeastern Adirondacks and Lake George that offer a perfect backdrop to creating long cherished memories. A must do is the Lake George Steamboat Cruise!
Southern Vermont/The Berkshires Day Trip Itinerary
We love Southern Vermont and the Berkshires…we'll show you world renowned museums, and one of the most beautiful churches in New England with a touch of Robert Frost.
Upper Connecticut River Valley Day Trip Itinerary
This premier day trip will have you crisscrossing the Connecticut River—it’s filled with historic interests, museums, and one of the most beautiful Ivy League towns.
Combine Other Experiences with Your Day Trips
We have a remarkable collection of unique destination offerings not found anywhere else. Our commitment is to make each day extraordinary!