Pond Mountain Inn
Bed and Breakfast
Wells • Vermont
1955 Saw Mill Hill Road
Wells, Vermont 05774
Over 350 Five Star Reviews ▪ 100% Guest-Focused ▪ 72% Repeat Guests Last Year

West Arlington Covered Bridge • West Arlington, Vermont
Vermont Covered Bridges
Experiencing Vermont’s most notable treasure is to experience the indescribable feeling of the presence of those who traveled long before us across these hand-hewn timber structures. The exhilaration of either serendipitously discovering a covered bridge while wending your way through rolling hills alongside meandering rivers or charting specific destinations is equally enchanting.
Vermont is rightfully famous for its covered bridges—according to the National Preservation of Covered Bridges there are only 97 within the state. However, many say the actual number is 100, but since three bridges are owned and maintained by New Hampshire, even though they touch Vermont land, the actual number is 97. Over 1,000 covered bridges were built in New England in the 19th and early 20th centuries; sadly, fewer than 200 survive...
We will provide you with all the resources necessary to experience the joy and exhilaration that we have found traversing the Vermont countryside—we have it all for you—from maps to unique destinations, and Pond Mountain Inn is a member of the Vermont Covered Bridge Society, which offer additional insights. Our library includes Joseph Nelson’s incredibly comprehensive book, Spanning Time: Vermont’s Covered Bridges. Join us to get a closeup view of Vermont’s most celebrated treasure.
Click Each Photo to Enlarge

Quinlan's Covered Bridge • Charlotte, Vermont

Northfield Falls Covered Bridge • Northfield, Vermont

Cambridge Junction Bridge • Cambridge, Vermont

Church Street Covered Bridge • Waterville, Vermont

Taftsville Covered Bridge • Woodstock, Vermont

Martin's Mill Covered Bridge • Hartland, Vermont

Power House Covered Bridge • Johnson, Vermont

Seguin Covered Bridge • Charlotte, Vermont

Holmes Creek Covered Bridge • Charlotte, Vermont

Bartonsville Covered Bridge • Rockingham, Vermont

Moxley Covered Bridge • Chelsea, Vermont

Green River Covered Bridge • Guilford, Vermont

Howe Covered Bridge • Tunbridge, Vermont

Chiselville Covered Bridge • Sunderland, Vermont

AM Foster Bridge • Cabot Plains, Vermont

Moseley Covered Bridge • Northfield, Vermont
We are immensely thankful to Vermont photographer, John Knox, a renowned chronicler of life in Vermont. John has not only captured the unique personalities of each Vermont covered bridge, but he has also attempted to capture the essence of Vermont life in all 251 towns and villages. John is arguably, one of the most celebrated contemporary photographers in Vermont, and we are delighted to share his work on many of our website pages. John’s achievements are not limited to photography—John is also a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Vermont Technical College, where John spent 48 years happily teaching mathematics to young Vermonters.
John’s images capture each of Vermont’s distinctly beautiful four seasons, and can also be found on his Facebook page titled; Vermont by a Vermonter.