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Pond Mountain Inn
Bed and Breakfast
Wells • Vermont
1955 Saw Mill Hill Road
Wells, Vermont 05774
Over 350 Five Star Reviews ▪ 100% Guest-Focused ▪ 72% Repeat Guests Last Year

Sautéed Chanterelle Mushrooms Foraged at Pond Mountain Inn
Nutritional Wellness
80% of what we serve in-season at Pond Mountain Inn is locally grown within five square miles
of the property and much of that is organic…
Nutritional Wellness is the science that looks at the relationship between our diet and our health. And, we’re continuously bombarded with conflicting advice on the best foods to eat for optimal health, wellness, performance, and longevity. We all know the difference between a healthy oversized kale sandwich and a delicious Italian Torta di Cioccolata from Pastiche—one is healthy, one is not! So, tell me something I don’t already know…
There’s a catalogue of reasons why we made Vermont our home. We believed the water we were drinking, the grocery food we were eating and the air we were breathing was substantially better in Vermont. We also believed we could improve on our pretty-good health naturally and improve our quality of life through better nutrition, and we have, substantially. Together with our neighbor, we have great fun helping to raise a small herd of Black Angus Cattle, Heritage Breed Pigs, all kinds of chickens and have access to some of the best local Beefalo and Bison farms in the area, and we recently established a steak-tasting partnership with Vermont Wagyu, arguably the best steak in the world!
As best we can determine, 80% of what we serve in-season at Pond Mountain Inn is locally grown within five square miles of the property and much of that is organic. We purchase local fruits and vegetables directly from farms and farmers’ markets. This year, we are beginning to make kefir, yogurt and mayonnaise—that all include local ingredients.
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